Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Indoors looking Out

Got taken around 10am this morning for my ect. I remember getting on the bed, getting the electrodes stuck to my head, a needle going in my hand and the oxygen mask over my face.
The next thing I know is I'm waking up and not knowing where I was. My first question was what day is it?. I couldn't remember a thing. No memory of coming into hospital the day before or the time before treatment. It was a bizarre feeling. I got a drink of juice and time to rest before going back along to the room. It was all alien to me, didn't recognise it all. My head was thumping, I felt a buck sick and my teeth and jaw were sore.

I slept for a bit and had some lunch. Slept more this afternoon and slowly over the day my memory has come back. Some things are still missing.

Ive just had a shower and am back in bed trying to remember what my book is about!

Getting home at some point tomorrow, then back in Thursday for another treatment Friday.

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