Life Savors

By osuzanna

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is always the busiest travel day of the year in the U.S. Often there are weather delays in some area of the country that will cause delays at other connecting airports. Driving between DC and NYC can take twice as long which is why my boys will leave very early tomorrow morning and hopefully be here before noon. We are experiencing the edge of a Northeaster today so there has been a lot of rain and some periods of snow with very big flakes, but not enough coverage to make a good blip. Let’s hope this weather event is insignificant and that everyone reaches their destination in time for the holiday.

I am blipping my Christmas cactus which always blooms just before Thanksgiving and sits on my kitchen window sill. I have spent most of the morning and early afternoon in the kitchen so thought I would take advantage it looking so pretty. I put a baking pan behind it to provide a more solid background, tweaked it a bit in Lightroom…. and there it is…today’s blip. It looks nice in LARGE.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow US blippers.

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