four sisters

About the only thing one can say in favour of our current house as a substrate for the attachment of wall-bound furnishings is that at least it doesn't have walls consisting of rickety laths and lumpy plaster suspended anywhere between one and ten centimetres from a two-foot-thick stone wall, For some reason I was able to drill the second and third bathroom-cabinet-mounting holes an inch apart and hit mortar each time, even though they were at exactly the same level as the first right-hand hole. Fortunately, when I retrieved the cabinet from the loft it turned out to only require two mounting-holes rather than the anticipated four, though this means I shall now have an extra worry about the whole thing being able to be terminally loosed by accidental sharp taps from beneath, such as might be administered by a small child fiddling with it or by a grown man cracking his head on the bottom after rinsing out his mouth at the tap.

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