
By Madchickenwoman

Early mist

Rushed out this am as light was so lovely with a rosy tint. Opened Milly and Tilly, fed fat cat and threw food at the fish and gulped down espresso and then I was out! Didn't have to go too far as was taking view of the viaduct through friends arch when she came out and said come on down! So I did and she left with daughter - both heading for their schools!
Well did I ever have a happy time! Black and white cat kept me company as I went hither and thither almost squealing with delight! They have the best view of the valley - left, right and forwards! They bought the run down house a couple of years ago and have been doing it up ever since - so the garden is still a work in progress - but what a fine veg plot! He used to have a plot on the allotment and was instrumental in getting it started. He is an original chicken coop member - only 3 of us now! He also joined a pig cooperative - feed the pig all year then slaughter and bacon, sausages and pork it is! I went vegetarian last christmas but was pretty much that way anyway. In fact it was only pork that I ever had, and not that often. I considered joining, I miss it, but the thought of naming, feeding, cleaning and bonding with pig and then eating it was just unthinkable. Seeing chicken lining the supermarket aisles and worse seeing whole roast chickens on the deli can reduce me to tears - that could be Dotty, Estelle, Doris ....... I think. A unique little being with its own personality. Anyway - he also keeps bees! 3 hives! My vegan friend doesn't even eat honey!
As I was standing in the middle of their veg plot the postman arrived and I assured him I knew the owners! He actually had a parcel for me which I duly signed for! You can't beat that for a postal delivery service! Helps that he knows me - as they all do - I am the ebay queen and a compulsive shopaholic! I have lessened my shopping due to no longer buying things for school - but clothes, shoes, jewelry....a girl can NEVER have TOO MUCH!!!
So home by 9.30 and the whole day to choose my blip and try to get my head round Photoshop! Gave up on that one! Would someone please tell me how to avoid sun spots apart from not shooting into the sun?!!! Actually I quite like them!
Lunch with friend - very nice celery soup from Homeopath friend - unfortunately she threw up the meagre portion she managed to get down! She felt sooo much better after though and we had a nice session on the sofa in front of the wood burner which I am beginning to master, her acting like a petulant child and me telling her off! We both had a little cry when I told her about last nights blip but it was good.
So having put all chickens to bed, and once more lamenting the state of my plot and noting that a rat was living under one of the feed bins, I made a commitment to digging at least one bed over after opening chickens tomorrow, and buying rat bait and peppermint essence for friend - the latter only for friend!
Keeping friend company tonight as homeopath friend is dropping tea off then going straight to Belly dancing! A lot of my friends do this and have tried to persuade me to go along - but I'm a freestyle kinda dancer and have resisted!!!

I like the sunspot in the first photo here!

Lovely view!

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