Double Shot Mummy


Mexican celebrations!

Thanks for the pic George! I forget to take my camera out so much these days...

Today we took the trio to our favourite restaurant to indulge in the best Mexican ever....

Maybe it's the flavoursome food, maybe it is the association we have with fun, happy family times... I don't know, but we always have a blast!

Sophie is having her baby very soon so we thought we'd snap them up while we could! We were also celebrating six months since my surgery.... I kind of can't believe this time six months ago... well... I don't really want to think about the details....

Early morning photo shoot on the beach tomorrow. Just looked at my diary and next week has ended up a bit manic... teaches me to check! Just when I was feeling a little on top of my workload!

Oscar and Bailee are off school for three days for National Day celebrations... I have to think of something 'National' for them to wear to school on Sunday....

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