We wished him luck and we waved him goodbye

Today I took part in the service of thanksgiving and farewell for my friend Jonathan (Jago). Lots of tears, laughter and memories.

The ceremonies also involved gathering at the graveside where he was interred in the same plot as his mother. I took several sprigs of rosemary - for remembrance - from the bush which guards our front door to place in his grave (he was an amazing plantsman).

Rosemary Bush can be a bit temperamental: sometimes when we want to take some of her sprigs she resists strongly, but today she gave freely.

At the wake, which was held in a pub opposite his house, people were invited to go to his garden and take any plants they wished in return for a small donation to one of the charities who will benefit from his estate. I came away
with a lavender plant which Roland will look after.

He asked that he should go out from the church at his funeral to Gracie Fields singing 'Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye' and he got his wish.

I, and many others, will miss him but we will keep him in our hearts and minds.

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