
By lemonzest


After dealing with a few canine-related household matters, in order due to D's later return, I noticed a very large flock of finches, feasting on the larches. I managed to get a fair few shots but they weren't what I was after. So here's the sun sinking in the West and a little of the surface of our planet.

I cooked some soup before leaving. I don't mind saying that it wasn't bad, just onions, tomatoes, green part of a leek, a large courgette, a few carrots and even some green leaves, plus of course a chilli or two. Maybe the few spoonfuls that I had before leaving were better than later; it could be the influence of the courgette, who knows?

I picked D up from the bus, in good time but not enough to do some shopping prior to her arrival. That meant a more costly expedition. Gin was not forgotten. Somehow we had run out. I think keeping it in the deep freeze causes it to evaporate.

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