
By briocarioca

Season taste. Not very seasonal, but then we're all behind with our Christmas preparations. So as HH has been tinkering with a curry this afternoon (heaven help the kitchen maid - me), I thought I'd add a little spice to Mono Monday.

We came down from the hills last night because a visiting firemen was due in this morning. I spent hours tidying, getting in supplies, sluicing down the yard and generally trying to make this look like a respectable household, and then we waited. Coffee time came and went, likewise lunchtime (but we fitted in a meagre snack before tea time). Finally a Skype call at around 5:30 pm - said firemen missed his connection and is stuck in Miami. HH was advised of this fact by email in the wee hours, but had failed to notice that he wasn't connected to the wifi and hence nothing had come in. His stock plummeted faster than Petrobras shares (Petrobras being the Brazilian state oil company, a major sacred cow, and heavily embroiled in corruption scandals just now).

I decided this gave me license to stop work and try to dream up a blip. And now I may try to send a few Moonpig cards.

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