Derelict Thursday

Very miffed that Camera 4 didn't make to back to blip central. To think I went through all that anguish asking a stranger if I could photograph her, bugger!!,

Achievements today -

Hairdoo (much needed) - tick
Sorted catering numbers & rang caterers - tick
Evening Programme nearly done - tick
Certificates in AV order - tick
Checked images with "techno man" - tick
Easels sorted to show prints - tick
Entertainment confirmed - tick
Red theme, clothing sorted - tick
Secret Santa gifts wrapped - tick
Judged images too - tick

......and on my way home from time with "techno man" I managed to find a blip for "dereliction". But looks as if someone has been there before me?.

A dark and gloomy place, but a small hole in the roof gives waters to this fern which is flourishing. There are springs from an old mattress lying around (left of picture) and nothing much else except creepy crawlies and slabs of cracked concrete which is in strong competition from the earth which is cracked.

Thanks Sarum Stroller


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