youngies journey

By youngie66

The Poor Fox

Sorry about the graphic nature I guess some times you just snap away without a thought but I did stop to lift this poor little fox to the side of the road as apart from the wee dribble of blood at his nose he was totally unmarked it's a shame to see these wee foxes or any other animal get hit by traffic but I guess there is not a lot we can do about it thankfully it wasn't me who hit this wee fox but I thought the least I could do was put an old pair of gloves on and lift him onto the grass verge to stop a big truck making this wee guy a total mess as I didn't have much time for anything else as I had a workmate to pick up at 02:45am and time was kicking along so a shame to see as I do like foxes I know some folks think there vermin of sorts but I still like to see all animals thrive prefferably in an enviroment that doesn't put them in harms way from road traffic but that just won't happen much nowadays anyway after that it was a drive to Dundee early on and back to Edinburgh Waverley to enjoy the rest of my day with some glorious sunshine making it a really nice week weather wise all in all working saturday and sunday with wednesday my day off next week and a couple of small new windows being fitted in the kitchen on tuesday movie for the day is "The Fox 1967" See Ya

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