occhi verdi

By occhiverdi


Hey! Look! A blip of flowers.. you almost never see them on blipfoto. Hah.
Elle and I have begun a new routine where we walk (and eventually run.. but she doesn't know that yet, so don't tell her) 3.4 miles around our neighborhoods. Today was simply gorgeous outside.. nice breeze, blue skies, cirrus clouds. These freshly planted tulips were on our route and Elle knows the woman who planted them in her yard.
I figured since I've been walking so much around Cancún for the past week that it was finally time to get back in the habit of running daily. As soon as another bootcamp begins, we're there too.
Not in the mood to be home from vacation. It'll pass, I'm sure.. I just ... don't want to be home.
Trying to line up some horseback riding this week with Reuben's horses. I've got the time.. and who knows when I'll get to ride after I move to Fort Worth.
So ... looking for inspiration in my hometown.

Found a killer recipe in Rick Bayless' cookbook this afternoon: Chayote and tomato salad with roaster garlic dressing. PHENOMENAL. I could eat chayote all day long. I prefer the prickly ones..

Up next: The Hurt Locker. I swear I've seen it before.. who did I see it with?

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