Sun Down

I (Annie) had the day off today, in case I was, ahem, delicate after my team's Christmas do last night. Thankfully I was fine, but it was lovely to have a late start and head gently back home during daylight for once.

As it was a beautiful sunny day, I headed back from Bristol via the A-roads rather than the motorway. I played one of my favourite games: set the SatNav to avoid motorways and take the most direct straight-line route (not the fastest, the least miles). You get to see some interesting places along the way, often single-track!

It was a lovely drive, with some really great scenery. It did take twice the usual commute time though, so as I headed through a SatNav-directed single lane road somewhere in Oxfordshire, I stopped to watch the sun go down over a little river. Directly behind me was also a beautiful large moon.

Lovely to be home at last, to see Chris and Yogi, and have an early night to recover...

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