Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


I popped around to one of my old safari grounds, the grove, were I documented the bug life in my early Blipping days. It has gone through some changes in the three years, but now is lost for good. This was supposed to be community land, but has been hijacked and built on.

I then rode up to my normal blipping grounds for a safari. Just as I arrived, this little darling was walking towards me with a morning greeting. I have Blipped her before, drawn in by her colourful character and delicious smile, as she works the paddy fields. But alas, capturing that cheeky grin in pixels is beyond my skill level and as soon as the camera is raised, she goes in to passport photo mode. Still I am grateful for what I can get and she was grateful for the breakfast and coffee that I sponsored.

I took the liberty of cropping in, to show the beauty of this young lady, I am not brave enough to inquire as to her age, although, unlike western culture, it is not frowned upon here in Indonesia.

This one is for Tinksandtonks, one of my long time followers and mentors.

Thank you my dear :)


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