Old Bat

By OldBat

take a seat!

Came out of early dentist appointment in a euphoric state - only a check-up and a scrape and 50 quid. Did a blip walk before catching the hourly bus to St John's. Scenic trip through Winchburgh, Broxburn and half of Livingston. 45 mins early for appointment, so they sent me away for a cuppa and a bite to eat. Got back to find the person before me still sitting outside the CT room. Just after my appointment time, they brought out a bloke obviously having a near death experience. I averted my eyes, as I know if it were me I wouldn't want gawpers. Then I caught a glimpse - looked like someone I used to go out with, but I didn't think I could chase the bed down the corridor saying 'hang on a minute while I check'. Then logic kicked in and I realised it would be wishful thinking on my part ;-] and anyway he lives and works in Edinburgh so he wouldn't be at St John's. Eventually got in half an hour late, so I could have caught the later bus. Five minutes later I was a Bat out of He-ospital at the bus stop and getting on a bus to Edinburgh. Another scenic trip through different bits of Livingston, and Broxburn. Tea and chocolate croissant at the top of the other St John's :-] viewing the Ochils.

Days off are sometimes as tiring as working. I decided to keep this in colour rather than B&W to show the remnants of paint and the rust.

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