When the Music Stops......

When the music stopped His Lordship was left holding all the cracker rubbish.
I thought this a worthy blip because he was smiling, something that doesn't normally happen when the camera is trained on him.

We were at a noisy, jolly, family lunch in a Perth restaurant, crackers and paper hats included in the festive atmosphere.
It was a welcome destination after an uncomfortable journey with Scotrail, the train being bound ultimately for the snow drifts of Inverness-shire. The seating space was so cramped that the unfolded trays pinned us back against the seat backs.
However I had better not complain too much since at least the train was not a victim of the weather and we did arrive on time in between sleet showers.
I think the east coast escaped the weather bomb.

My brother- in -law's Christmas card was unveiled and will be displayed on Blipfoto tomorrow together with the competition, his daughter's, when judging will take place via comments in my journal.

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