Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


This is Amber, hiding behind a book. (we'll say no more about the title of this book OK?)

She finally got her braces off today and other assorted bits of dentistry finished. So she now has a wonderful smile (which she's always had anyway). I do worry that orthodontists seem rather obsessed with perfection but I suppose that it goes with the territory, and they have to make the exact amount of space for teeth to fit into etc.
It's just been a very long journey for Amber, often painful and she's coped incredibly well. I remember when she started treatment, her saying "I'll be 13 when I'm finished..13!!!" and we thought...wow that's forever away..and it was but she's now nearer 14.

She didn't really want me to Blip her new smile so we thought this would be funny instead!

What a mental weather day, we've had rain, sleet, snow, hail, gales, thunder. lightning, sun and rainbows...everything and bitterly cold!!!
I told the girls about the proper term of rapid cyclogenesis and Amber thought I was saying psycho-genesis, psycho weather - which in fact summed it up perfectly, better than the bizarre weather bomb stuff!

New Mince Pies bought, too tired to eat one..alas & alack.
Mince Pie Count : 5 (Scotch Pie Count : 2)
Edit: (in the interests of transparency)
I just had a Mince Pie...at bedtime, what a rebel.
Mince Pie Count :6


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