Inner Sense

By FranklyFrank

Who's a drip?

Me, apparently. I've had to move quite a few of the trees I planted yesterday because the heavy rain overnight has shown just how waterlogged the orchard is. It was satisfying to finish it.

Then I had to do some major cleaning and descaling of my beloved espresso machine. My espresso has been coming out way too slow and lacks crema. I think I've rescued the machine. This picture is the empty espresso cup from my test shot. (Yes it is deliberately out of focus, not because my hands are shaking from too much caffeine).

Finally, I have cooked a warming stew and we are off to pick up daughter No 2 from the ferry terminal. She is visiting now as she will not be coming here for Christmas. Apparently Mexico is more inviting.

Incidentally there are 3 ferry terminals on the island and each one is favoured by a different one of our children. Only Fulford gets two votes.

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