Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Pic today: a display in Josophan's Chocolates in Leura. Great chocolates there, though they didn't have the christmas truffles I was after. :(

Large is busty.

Flickr is bustier.

Sigma 30mm 1:1.4 EX DC on Pentax K-30.

Also I must - because pride - mention my happiness about my girl. Her class are busy giving each other Christmas cards; I read some that she's received, and was really touched by seeing things like "thank you for being nice and kind to me this year!!", "you are very kind and helpful", and "you are the best friend".

She and her brother have also brought home their artwork from the year, and among other things (including the lad's poem about liking cars and monster trucks :p ) was a poem she wrote including such lines as "I hear the wind singing good luck", "I pretend to be the leader of the birds", and "I dream of friendly dinosaurs" - which I just think are fantastic, and strikingly lyrical for an eight-year-old, I reckon. Also in there are lines about being a good friend and a caring person, about touching her brother's heart, and "I understand my friends".

Throat, meet lump.

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