
By Igor

December challenge; green. Cards on table

I’ve spent far longer on this than I intended. We have friends coming round for dinner tonight so in between bouts of cooking I write a few more Christmas cards. Anniemay is cleaning the house top to bottom on the assumption that our friends are like her mother and bring white gloves and a magnifying glass on each visit. (They’re not and she doesn’t). But spick and span are our watchwords.

We have two sorts of cards, red ones and green ones. I stick a card (a red one) behind the mounting pile and try that. The idea is simple, but achieving it, anything but.

Anniemay, on a fleeting visit from hoovering the loft leans over my shoulder; “use a green card, The challenge is green”. I hadn’t even thought about the challenge - I just want this done and dusted (not literally - they won’t come into my study).

The green card is a dark shade; I eventually squirt the image through Nik film Efex (Nostalgic) which makes the green more …. greeny. And nostalgic. Ahh ... those dreamy days of childhood Christmases when all the greens were this colour.

Anyway - back to the cards. As of now, the ‘done’ pile is up to the polar bear’s nose. When I reach his ears I’ll be finished.

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