Times Of My Life

By CarolB


It was a busy but not productive day.

I sat up far too late last night, trying to organise photo's to get some calendars made. Went to bed eventually, but couldn't sleep because it was so stormy outside. Had to get up early as Taylor was playing rugby after breakfast.

After he went off, we intended to go to visit our friend Amanda in hospital, but got a call to say not to go as she was being moved elsewhere. G then decided to go into town to buy a handrail for our staircase, and I was going to do some wrapping while watching an old Christmas film on DVD, the original Miracle on 34th Street.

I had just finished vacuuming and dusting, and was all set to get the paper and gifts out, when G's dad turned up needing some help with a plumbing problem. We chatted over tea until G came home, by which time it was far too late to start watching a movie.

As he is on holiday for a couple of days now, G is away out to visit a friend tonight and I have just lit some candles (the orange and cinnamon ones again - so nice) and looked the Christmas DVD's out. Going to get comfy on the sofa with Rocky, and perhaps a small glass of port ( a December treat).

No doubt I'll be asleep long before the end! And there goes the weekend ......

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