MonoMonday - Change

I pass by this barometer several times, every day of my life, yet hardly notice it.

But it seems we are set fair for fine weather - the glass is rising, and all's well with the world.

Change - it's an important part of everyone's life; so why do we fear it so much?

Is it safer to stick with the tried and true?


But is the tried way necessarily the true way? Without change we'd never know.

Sometimes change is necessary. Without changes in the weather there would be no crops, no gardens, no wildlife, no nothing. No rain, no sunshine, no cold, no hot. Without a heatwave, you can't enjoy the respite of a southerly cool change (Adelaide people will know exactly what I mean).

I don't mind a bit of a change. A change is as good as a rest - that's what my Grandmother used to say.

And.... thank you all so much for the hearts, stars and simply gorgeous comments for my butterfly meadow yesterday. She's fluttered right into # 1 position on the spotlight - still as exciting a spot as it ever was.

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