Brought to you by the letter C

By thegeneous

Across the Alley

I am so very tired this morning! Played hockey starting at 11:15pm last night. Played a very fast team on Olympic sized ice which made it challenging ... so much room and different angles! We were tied after regulation, but won in a shootout. Was going to take my camera to get a picture or two of the action, but didn't. Probably a good thing as there would not have been a safe place to keep it on the players bench.

Anyway, didn't get home until 1:15am this morning. So amped up after playing, I didn't get to sleep until 2:45am. Ignored my alarm when it went off at 5:45 and slept in until 7:00am. Was late for work, but the boss is used to my Wednesday night/Thursday morning ritual. Now I'm drinking strong coffee and trying to decide whether or not to have a nap under my desk.

I shot this picture in my parkade on the way up to the office this morning. Have parked there for two years now and have even taken some photos from just about the same spot, but wasn't happy with them. Don't know why this morning, but the contrast between the black window frame and the ladder inside caught my attention this morning. Don't know what the business is, but fromt he rolls of paper I would guess that it's a reprographics company ... or an engineering firm with their own plotter. I'm leaning towards the latter. Maybe I'll take the time to find out. Probably not.

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