occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

M "8Mile" C

MC set up her light for me to take some photos of her tonight! Huzzah!
So half of her face is lost in the shadow.. I like shadows - what can I say? And I've never used any sort of light like that before, so I'm hopeful that I'll get more practice in the future.. maybe even a set up of my own.
It's amazing the difference light makes. Basic thought. I get it.

More of MC on flickr:
2 (haha)
3 - Blip runner up
4 - the real MC "8Mile" Mann -- favorite! Wish it wasn't so dark


Mom update: She came home early this afternoon with my dad. Got a much smaller (but still too big) collar to go home with. She's moving around even more.. probably too much. It's hard to make her be still and not do anything. Still hurts very badly for her to swallow (which is normal). She's able to sit up, walk around, talk, etc.

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