
By tourist


Okay okay, i'm aware that assignment7 is now finished and assignment8 is now underway, however i couldn't resist the title. In saying this, this is "my favourite" photograph from my lot for today so this kinda works for assignment8. I'll try harder for the assignment tomorrow.

Combined with the boost in confidence thanks to the better standard of photographs i've produced over the last couple of days (not necessarily the ones uploaded to blip incase you think they are both shite) and a very positive phone call i received tonight while at work things are kinda looking up.

Turns out the job interview i had the other day wasn't as big a disaster as i originally thought. This new job means i'm earning quite a bit more than my current job which is a boost ahead of my travels to Australia. The only thing i have a problem with is trying to decide whether or not i really want the job bearing in mind i leave the country in 6 weeks time.

I've always been loyal to employers, turned up on time every day, worked shifts when others couldn't etc etc. If i take this new job i'll be leaving my current employer after 6 weeks and then leaving the new employer after the same amount of time. Help.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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