Meus vita quadrati

By geimryk

The workhorse/party animal :)

That's my Canon Powershot SD1100 IS (a.k.a. the Ixus 80.) I got this a BestBuy in Long Island 2 years ago after my brand new Samsung crashed on me and no way was I going to spend my US trip with no point-and-shoot camera! I carry it with me at ALL times wherever I go and it's sure got the scratches and dents (and stickers, lol) to prove it! Hasn't failed me yet and has captured sooo many brilliant memories and good times. :)


Litla partídýrið, Canon Ixus 80. Keypt á ferðalagi í Bandaríkjunum vorið 2008 eftir að nýja Samsung vélin mín bilaði. Þetta kvikindi fer með mér hvert sem ég fer, hefur fangað óteljandi auganblik og minningar og ber þess greinileg merki: ótal rispur, beyglur (og nokkrir límmiðar) en aldrei hefur hún klikkað! :)

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