Colin Parte

By ColinParte


This is a sad tale of pain and woe. Yesterday at work, I was the victim of a rather sharp piece of cardboard. Anyone who has had a paper cut will know how painful it can be. Imagine then, reader, the suffering that a very sharp edge of cardboard can cause - oh the humanity!

So anyway, I managed to avoid tearing up in front of anyone (honestly!), and worked through the pain slepping home to my hotel room.
I distinctly remember telling myself as I got into bed last night that I must remember not to put any aftershave on in the morning, but did I listen? No I did not!

My wife regularly tells me I'm not listening and now I think she may be right.
The profanity echoing around the bathroom this morning was shocking to say the least! It's not that I'm not used to pain; we've had three kids and I hardly felt a thing ;)

A retail war story - it's a dangerous world, the supermarket.

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