Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

A Vivid Dream

The first visible mountain to catch my eye.

As soon as we emerged from the other side of the mountain, the weather and terrain drastically changed. All of a sudden, the temperature was warmer. The sky was clear with bursts of blue. The rain had turned to bright beams of light streaming from the sun. The dark green forest turned into dry desert land. Our elevation leveled out and the land was flat as far as we could see. Off to the right, was a cloud covered mountain. But the cloud cover seemed to compliment the mountain instead of bury it. The image looked almost angelic to me.

I chose this photo as today's blip because the angelic look symbolizes a vivid dream that I had last night:

Every now and again, I have a dream that is so real, so strong, so vivid, that I wake up feeling like my life has been changed overnight. A dream that I awake from feeling like something extremely magical has just touched my life. In an instant, I had a dream that I had been granted a small reunion with my Grandma. My Grandma who lived with us when I was a senior in high school. My Grandma who meant everything to me....and more. My Grandma who died in our home when we were all gathered to say our final goodbyes. My Grandma who squeezed my hand three times to communicate, "I love you", when she lost the ability to speak. My Grandma who looked at me with tears in her eyes as I hugged her and kissed her and cried over her. My Grandma who made such a significant impact on my life. My Grandma who appeared in my dreams last night.

I saw my Grandma last night in my dreams. The image of my Grandma was the image of how she looked closer to the end of her life. Her hair short from Chemo. Her body small and fragile. But her hug, her hug was tight. It was strong and warm and familiar. As I hugged her, she soothed me by stroking my arm. Saying, "Hi sweetie, everything is okay. It is all okay". I wasn't sad in my dream or upset. She was not consoling me. She was just reminding me that everything was always going to be okay. As she touched my hand, I felt it. I felt her hand on mine. Her love streaming into my soul like she had never left.

This is a dream that is so completely real to me, it is almost too good to be true. How did I get so lucky to have experienced something in my subconscious that has left my heart feeling more full and complete. I absolutely believe that God gave me a small little visit with my Grandma last night. I could feel her touch my hand. As I told my husband about it today, tears welled up in my eyes. I miss her terribly but I got to have a few minutes with her last night. A few minutes to be cradled in her hug. A few minutes to feel her presence.

I haven't had a chance to tell my sister about this yet. We arrived this evening and the timing was not right. But she will be moved by this. This will bring tears to her eyes. Our Grandma meant everything and beyond to her as well. God works in mysterious ways and I am a firm believer in the fact that he allows our loved ones to look down on us from heaven. To remain a part of our lives in spirit. To continue to show their love and support in the most beautiful ways.

As this dream has consumed my heart and my mind today, I knew that I needed to write about it. I needed to express myself for myself. To organize my thoughts. To always remember the feelings that I have had today. And today was a stressful one. Back to back meetings that were very productive but also very draining. I keep going back to what my Grandma was telling me, "Everything is going to be okay". A message from above delivered from my guardian angel. My Grandma who is with me wherever I go.

I love you Grandma.......every single thing about you. Thank you for checking in on me last night. Thank you for cradling me in your arms. Thanks for showing me that you have always walked beside me, every step of the way. That you are still with me........






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