Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Home Sweet Home

Home sweet home.....

Our Spring Break is now officially over as it is Sunday night and the kids are back to their regular bedtimes. We have had an incredibly full week of family memories, fun, adventure, and gorgeous scenery.

I have to be honest, my photos this week have been lucky shots. We were blessed with great weather and we took family trips almost every day to some pretty unique and stunning places. I really appreciate all of the comments and compliments from the light house picture to the climbing park picture and all of the ones in between. The light house was taken from a view point parking lot and the climbing rock photo was taken from the parking lot. I would like to say that I did some fancy foot work and got myself deep into the landscape for the pictures, but I didn't. Luck was on my side and I realize more than ever how beautiful our lush and green State really is.

All of your kinds words mean more to me than you know and have given me much more confidence with trying new things with my camera. I always try to get my blip for the day from an errand or a playdate, etc. Many have been from the preschool campus, some from my gym, others from neighbors gardens. The waterfall shot that I took a couple of days ago was just an overfill spout in the middle of town. What I am having so much fun doing, is taking a common shot and editing/ cropping it in a way that makes it look far far far more remote than it really is. Daily photographing has just forced me to open my eyes and see all of the little details that I have been living around most of my life. And that is why I have truly been enjoying this challenge so much. So thanks again to all of you who take the time to view my photos and check out my journals. Your support encourages me to sharpen my skills and utilize my creativity.

Okay, gotta wrap this one up. All I want to do right now is spend the entire evening with my husband. (Who did a little off-roading on the way home today to locate this beautiful little creek for me). I don't know what I'd do without him........you continue to mean the world to me baby doll!!!!

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