The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Wind Chill

Had an unexpected day off.

Eldest arrived home for lunch so I heated up some home made Minestrone. He made himself a ham filled bagel and had two slices of bread. Struggling to finish it he ate the soup in the car when I took him back to school!

He must have worms I think.

A visit to my MB ChB, who was very nice to me.... a bit worrying.

So I headed off to the loch to watch the Sand Martins sweeping up the unfortunate early hatched flies, over the water. They are facinating to watch and I had great fun capturing them. I turned for home and the light captured my breath. I only had my Kodak so it's not as good as it could have been, but I just liked it.
The wind chill was viscious to the exposed digets

Then off to the gym to fill up on endorphines.

Yawn, bit tired now.
An early night and a read tonight methinks

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