The fruit of their labour

I got round to B's folks' place after work to find an ocean of honey, empty jars and bits of beehive all over the place.

A couple of hours of scraping, pouring and cleaning up later and we had nigh on 20 jars of beautiful honey ready for consumption. There's a whole pot of the stuff still to go into jars but we ran out of time.

I didn't like honey til I tried B's bees' honey (if that makes any sense?). It's so delicious, I could eat it by the bucket load. Except it's so sweet that it makes my teeth ache.

It was just what I needed to do some mindless bottling to recover from the average day I had.

At least it's holidays now and I've got two weeks to chill out and enjoy some time with my boy, Cousteau.

Anyway, late now and off to bed.


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