Goodbyes begin

I don't even have two full days in Hyderabad. But that won't stop me from making plans. There are loads of things to be done, all those loose ends that have to wait till the last moment to be tied up. I am glad I am able to take time out to enjoy the little things in the meantime as well.

The secret to a peaceful mind lies in acknowledging of the truth. There are always voices beneath the calm surface of the lake, one only sees the bubbles that float up, belying the screams within and ignores them. But the voices are there. Their screams don't stop until they are heard.

It has been a very busy day. Met old friends and new ones. This is S, my kind neighbour who dropped by in the evening. We hummed and strummed a bit. Another S, who had been my flatmate all the way since my first day here till I got married, dropped by as well. He is now a hotshot Development manager at Amazon and moving on to newer adventures. He has always been on a search and still is. It has always been interesting listening to his observations, which more often than not are original. But we got interrupted when the "packers and movers" arrived for an estimate. Sometimes, the best conversations are the ones that get interrupted. They leave you wanting more.

Even the lunch at Pizza Hut was good, reminiscing the last few years.

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