
By nina

Meeting Kari at BOB

Today I went to see the new office spaces of BOB Helsinki and meet my old colleague and friend Kari Eilola, who is a copywriter. BOB has moved within Helsinki from Lauttasaari to Sörnäinen just a couple of months ago.

I asked Kari how he would describe BOB to someone who didn't know about them, and he said: " BOB is the most famous advertising agency in Finland. If you ask anyone on the street here they will know BOB".

BOB works in an old industrial building, the same where Theatre Academy of Helsinki is located. This space in this shot is BOB's "living room". It is a place to gather together, eat, meet, read papers or just hang around. The working spaces are in three levels above.

We had a lovely meeting with Kari, I enjoy the conversation with him a lot. We have known since 1996 when we worked at the same advertising agency. We have been in contact since then, we meet maybe a couple of times a year.

I have always liked Kari, he is a very honest, straightforward, warm and intelligent person. And very talented copywriter. Not to mention his sense of humor.

I asked Kari if I can blip him, but he said that he didn't feel like it today. But he promised that I can do it some other day.

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