Up North

By Carwij

Old Shoe

Uncle Lucas passed away at 20.30 hours today.
So strange when someone real close to you die's, the world seems a bit unreal. You know you are not going to wake up out of a dream and thats it's real, but it's so strange that someone who's been there all your life isn't there anymore.

I've been sitting behind this screen thinking of what I could tell you about him and came to the conclusion that one page on Blip wouldn't, by far, be enough to describe this man.
He was honest, but not affraid to lie a bit when it was conveniant. When one had a secret and one had to tell someone, you could tell hím though and no one would ever hear it.

'know what you say, never say what you know' Lucas Wijma

He líved and did a lot of things of wich his mother would have told him not to do it, but I think he had a great life!
I loved him dearly......

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