
By krimmson

unnamed + ma cherie.

No backblip for the 11th -- which also was the last day of spring break (sadly!!).
I guess that's what happens when you procrastinate on your essay and other homework until the last day.

Was giving Ma Cherie, the current ALIVE rose (in background) some water when some of them splashed on Unnamed, my (evidently) unnamed white rose that actually died a while back. The water just slipped straight off its petals, allowing no drops to stay on it. After several attempts I managed to get one to stay.
But it made me think: Is this how death will be? Cold and unwelcoming? Will it completely reject anything and everything that's in any way connected to life and animation?
.....Maybe I just think too hard.
If only I were able to think like this during English class.

On other notes....
So today was the first day of COLORGUARD 2010 Clinics, where we let anyone interested try their hands at spinning a flag and teach them things they need to know for the audition. There're so many rookies! It excites me... I'm looking forward to the season!

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