
You may ask how I can feel about pesky maple seedlings the way I do, yet dandelions don't bother me. A few earlies popped out today, heralding the first 24.5 degree Celsius day since...ooh..last year some time.

It saddens me, no, it ticks me off to see big city chemical trucks spraying their hideous poison along the sidewalks, and some homeowners will go through gallons of poison to keep their lawn pristine. If you want these to go away, wait for a soaking rain, then dig them out one at a time or do what the golfers do...practice your swing on the blooms.

Consider that if they've never been sprayed, they are one of the most useful medicinal and edible plants under the sun. Why, I had dandelion greens in my salad tonight, they were delicious and peppery. Eating the blooms...even though I know they are perfectly edible and taste like mushrooms when stir fried, may take a while for me to work up the courage to do.

Deb, this one's for you since you had a rant about dandelion haters sneak up on you but didn't blip a dandelion.

Edit: 12:30 am, still up, watching the doggie sleep and breathing a bit heavily. Mr. F's out of town till late tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight...watching Green Day on the Jimmy Fallon late show. They're so normal in person. I don't use the laptop enough, it feels clumsy. Maybe I'll make a toaster waffle and tea. Kaki King just came on the show. Kaki who? Wow, she can play guitar.

1:30 am-this is nuts. I'm going to sleep on the couch next to the dog. If she as much as sneezes...

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