Find the birdie

Momma Duck II peering through the wallflowers where she has chosen to nest, right outside my bedroom window.

This HAD to be the image for today because my blip journey began 365 days ago with the original Momma Duck and the drama surrounding her chicks. Momma Duck II is much younger and skinnier. She's sitting on eight eggs and, as you can see, is almost entirely hidden by the foliage. Such a sweet scented home she has. We're on reasonable terms but this is our first season together so she's not entirely sure about me. Hissed at me today when I went to cut some chives - my herbs live just out of shot. Because of the sitting project I'm kind of feeling we should be able to negotiate the territory. Since I'm part of nature too I get access to the herbs and she gets to nest in the wallflowers.

I know 365 days since first blip 'doesn't count' for much in terms of blip celebrations unless you've posted each day. But it feels somehow special to me. I've gone through four cameras and two modems since starting. Each breakage has given me pause for thought about how I blip and how I interact with this unique community. I imagine that will continue to evolve; right now I am very glad to be back blipping more regularly. There's something about the stability, the reliability of the good-heartedness of this floating community that's very sustaining. I'm glad to be here and I'm feeling lighthearted, happy and free. It's lovely to be able to share that, and much else, in this very special place. Thanks to everyone for looking, listening and sharing. My world is richer for this last year on blip and I know yours is too.

Blip anthem. Thanks for brightening each day (Bob Dylan about 4mins in is worth waiting for, then Bruce Springstein :))

Ooh I've just seen that now I get to have a 'year ago' thumbnail - like that a lot!

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