Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

room 101

speed bumps. is it one word or two? i don't know and definately don't care. its absurd the hatred i have for these inanimate lumps of tar/concrete. i would understand if they did slow down traffic but my own general observations say otherwise. since becoming a parent i have started to watch my speed and i understand the need to keep the roads safe but these f***ing things are just a pain in the arse (literally with the suspension on some motors.)
take this little beauty for example. the stretch of road this sits on has about nine of them, spread i don't know 20 metres apart. now if people park properly (i know, cos thats gonna happen, but thats another room 101 subject), then you can drive with relative ease over them by simply lining the car up right. even taking the inconsiderate wankers parking into account, then most of the drivers can still get down the road without having to drop below forty. coming back along the road in the opposite direction is pretty much the same, except for one. just one little hump of pure evil. it must just be the way the road lifts slightly at the end of it but anything above ten miles an hour and its scraping off the exhaust. it even bears the scars and gouges of its victims, almost like badges of honour.
ok no more ranting, as i've recorded that new show "Dexter" on Fx and i'd like to post this before midnight.
for all the tree huggers, please don't misunderstand. i am all for good road safety and sensible speed limits but surely there is a better way than this. i mean since the romans we have been striving for better, smoother roads and now that we have them we're going backwards. one last thing, when i'm cycling(which is pretty much every day), i, say 90% find myself being forced to travel over them due to the fact that most folk in london got their license oot a cereal box. going over them on a bike is a pain in the arse, again quite literally.
enough, no more, deep breath, hold and exhale.
you know i could bang on about bigger issues but these are just little things that if they were improved then a lot of people, not just me, would find everyday life just that little bit better, making the world a happier place as we spread that joy with others. there, at least the ending was positive

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