Toy World

Hanna decided to go mad and spend most of her money on Beanz, which are just like big beans with pictures on and they cost a bomb. The rest of hard earned fairy-tooth cash and random change went on a multi-coloured bracelet. I added to my hand-bag collection, this time a life time warranted dusky blue and nicely padded Crumpler. All together a successful shopping expedition. Then a traditional English dinner with real English people, a beautiful meal and great company.

All this to cheer us up after last night weird event, which got me out of bed with a pounding heart. This was my second earthquake. First time I was in Poland on a 3rd floor and felt the bed sink under me. This time the noise woke me up and by the time I realised what it was, it was gone. My poor little heart kept on pounding for much longer.

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