The Pensioner

By Pensioner

The Girl

#2 in a series of two. The daughter came for a Sunday evening meal - which was nice! (copyright Fast Show). Earlier I'd watched a bit of footy (OK, Hearts) on TV with the boy and a pal of his. Gawd, what a waste of time.
Stung by this I cycled furiously and got over it. And my Maw (age 83) poured me a lovely dram of Linkwood. She's bizarrely addicted to cycling on TV and even buys the magazines. I didn't know what I was watching - some Belgian stuff. In the middle of it some perfectly affable Church bodkin arrived for a chat.
I'm ready for Monday morning - and a well deserved rest!

btw - the bench ends are 1834 (they have patent marks). A joy to sit on.

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