Blipping Along

By BlippingAlong

Glassed In....

Another clear morning ... I'm beginning to wonder if vapour trails has anything to do with cloudy skies - since we've had ash in our atmosphere we seem to have had the most wonderful weather. Half of me wants the glorious weather to continue, the otherr half wants to return to some sort of travel normality.

Today's blip is in London. The colours, shadows and straight lines caught my eye as I was having breakfast - goodness knows what my colleagues thought as I went off to take my daily photo!

Anyway, day two of the book fair and I had the pleasure of meeting fellow blippers Anne Noland and Long Slow Distance as well as a a whole host of publishing tweeters. I also has the pleasure of meeting tweeter @caroleagent who has been very generous in her tweets...

And thank you everyone for your kind words - I haven't had a chance to go around commenting on your blips recently but I will do shortly. More importantly, there are many fellow blippers celebrating significant milestones - I'll get around to wishing each of you a personal congratulations, in the meantime, I raise a glass of champagne to each of you...

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