little bit of everything

By EmAndMurph

Time to chill

Another quick blip tonight. We decided to stay in Fife for an extra night and get up early this morning to travel home for work. Well that was a big mistake. I don't know if it's just me, but if I know I've to get up extra early in the morning I don't sleep very well with worrying that I'll sleep in....and that's exactly what happened. I think it was a total of 2 hours sleep.

A 6am rise to get up the road for 9 wasn't our best plan and a plan made even worse that I wasn't feeling well! So I got home and lay on the couch for most of the day. Murphy is also chilling out this evening after his 2 long days and is in that duvet somewhere :o)

Anyway, tomorrow is another day and it's time to get my inspiration head back on and take some good pics to be able to blip. Hopefully some help from my great friend Xander I should have something better to show tomorrow evening.

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