live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

a gift from us

..from us to our beloved mom. it was one of our birthday present or gift to our mom. we sent it in the morning to mom's office, yes it was surprise birthday present to mom. she liked and loved it,horaayy! :)

aw! can't wait for late night time, can't wait for gossip time with my bestfriends on phone, hihi gossip girl! XD

weekend is coming..!! so happy weekend all! :)

PS : thanks G for your time to teach me XD

--My bed is so possessive. Every morning it doesn't want me to leave! #DamnItsTrue--

--Teman adalah seseorang yang tahu segala sesuatu tentang anda tapi tetap menghormati anda - Friend is someone who knows everything about you but still respect you--

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