Aw Mum, get off!

Saw the most amazing sunrise this morning while walking the dog. Of course, no camera and too many obstacles between me and the sunset to take a decent shot anyway). Fortunately, Be managed to capture it.


I thought that doing a self-portrait with a big licky dog was hard. That was until I tried a wriggly kitten.

Thanks to B for coming to the rescue.

Pio begrudgingly posed for our first part-family portrait. I'm not feeling brave enough to try for the full family shot. Not yet.

Cousteau and Pio continue to bond. This lunchtime, I was treated to the boys wrestling on the lounge floor. It's quite a sight to see a 31 kg dog trying to avoid a teeny weeny kitten's flailing claws. In the end, he calmly placed his paw on Pio's back legs and tail, leaving him only teeth and one set of claws to dodge.

Eventually, Pio got the better of Cousteau and the game ended with Pio hiding behind the sofa.

They are a continuous source of delight. I've hardly bothered with the TV for days now!

Thanks boys.

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