What does that mean?

The moment during the day that I think to stop and take a picture to post just seems to be getting later and later. What does that mean?

It isn't that I'm that busy. It's also true that the more you have to get done, the more you get done...or something like that.

Wrapped up a client project, moved some plants around, cooked some broccoli/lentil mash for my doggie to make her regular food more exciting, printing a small project right now, and the rest just seem kind of nebulous. The printer is running and saying: you're a quack, you're a quack, in between not wanting to feed the card stock through. What does that mean? Is it time to upgrade from this Epson 2200 that I've had for seven years? What would I get? There...the paper is just getting fed through again without printing the twenty copies I have in the queue. I give up.

These nesting glass bowls caught my eye as I was putting away the cooled veggie mash. When I browsed to this image I realized that the diagonal was exactly like yesterdays book blip...same direction. I seem to have a lower right to upper left tendency. What does that mean? I flipped it so it wouldn't look doofy on my 'me' page.

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