The devil is in the detail

Today I've felt inspired, fearful, challenged and excited. Surprisingly it all arose in a meeting.

For most of us change is hard. I try to be open to it. Part of me honestly feels inspired by the vision behind the restructure and departure from simply accepting things as they are. Never one to merely exist within a square, I admire the vision and the eloquence with which it is articulated.

But I wonder about the detail, those little things like who will actually do things once the restructure is through. And then there is the reality that there is no real end to restructuring, it's a fact of life.

I guess the difference is ideas versus execution. If the vision and execution come together I want to be part of it. The devil is certainly in the detail.

Re: yesterday's signing of my agreement. It doesn't mean anything about my longevity in my job. There is a general agreement and it's overdue. Union members signed up a bit earlier and then non-union members got the opportunity to accept or reject what is offered. I was happy to accept :-)

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