All things Blipable....

By Tina


Stuck at home whilst my better half works.. then goes to the mens hash run here... so have had no chance to escape the walls today! Hurrumpf!

Have been making cards all day as well as baking and making soup... 5pm..... i decide to venture into the garden.. Ahh..

its raining... darn.

I have a cunning plan..from the safety of the pondok (or as we call it in the UK,. the lean too) im able to stay relatively dry, and i manage to get an ok pic of one of the rainsoaked pot plants we have..

I dont know what it is.. at a guess some kind of hibiscus variety??
its a stunning red... but didnt look soo stunning today against the grey skies...

Oh well..

theres always a more Blipable day tomorrow??

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