A Canterbury Tail

By Canterbury

Evil Bunny

This blipping is turning me into a nutter.

I went to get a Warrant Of Fitness (MOT to UK types) for my truck, I was told to wait in the waiting room while they inspected it. Left on my own in the waiting room I spotted a retro sweet vending machine, which discharges Skittles on receipt of a 20 cent piece. Normally I wouldn't have even noticed it, now after 18 days on blip, with my ever present camera on hand, I not only noticed it, but took several photo's of it.

I'm sure the staff at the WOF Garage must have wondered why on earth this nutcase was taking photo's of their sweet machine. After which when I headed over to pick up my truck, I spotted some graffiti, so wandered over to take several photo's, the Evil Bunny above being my favourite.

Not only do they think I'm mad, they failed my truck.

PS The line down the centre is a seam in the wall, I did think of shopping it out but I'm really crap at that so I left it.

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