No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Silence is golden...

With the kids both at nursery, today is the first time for a long time I've been able to enjoy a hot cup of tea and a leftover cupcake at home in total peace - not even the telly or radio to distract me from this simple pleasure, no cries of 'Mummy! Can you get me one too?' or 'Mummy, I need a drink!' or sticky little fingers poking into the frosting on my cupcake to steal a taste! Heaven!

(This was made using the Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook recipe, if anyone's interested - you can find their red velvet cupcake recipe online as a downloadable pdf if you google it!)

Better go and get to work now - yet more painting to be done - when will this bedroom be finished I wonder?!! No more decorating for a while after this.... :-)

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