just sitting,

By justsitting


..that can sing.. This is about as Americana as I get.

Well the result is through, Scotland appears to have a better memory of the Tory years than the South East of England. The Scottish Labour vote has increased whereas the South East has significantly moved to the Tories. Now we await the political manoeuvres to see who is who's best pal, in a playground stylee, it looks like the Lib-Dems will have the final say on who is the ruling coalition. Great news for the Greens in Brighton.

Went out for lunch with Stewart and met Eco and TFP, who joined us for a very chatty cuppa tea in Tea Tree Tea. Good chat around yesterdays blip from MaiTand various topics on chutney/jam/sloe picking/making and of course the election.

I am toiling, toiling, toiling at work.., I have a feeling I should not be there..

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