In passing

By passerby

Guests and the day

He rides to work, for the first time. He is apprehensive about the guards and other drivers fiddling around with the bike. But today is a good day to start. There is wind beneath grey skies. He realizes, he really doesn't take much less time when he's driving and decides to cycle more often. The day sees a bit of progress and a bit of laughter. It is good.

The evening they have some guests over. S works up a riot in the kitchen and he helps out as much as he can. The frantic pace with which she handles all the moving parts is mindblowing. At times he is overhwelmed, and in a light-hearted manner helps in his limited capacity. Sadly, the guests are most uninspiring. Words flow too swiftly from their mouths and a capacity to listen virtually absent. Any expectations of empathy from them might be similar to expecting a donkey to play Beethoven. Needless to say the evening is boring and a prime example of how to waste the precious gift of time.

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